My coach sends out encouraging words every week and this weeks I really enjoyed and wanted to share them with you.
"Seeing how MOST of us are getting a little older(ok...totally just YOU guys, cause I am still 21 and totally NOT feeling any effects of aging).... I thought I would talk about some motivating issues for us athletes over the age of 30...
It is estimated that starting around the age of 30 we lose about a half-pound of muscle every year. With that muscle loss, our metabolic rate will also decline.
Less muscle also means less strength and power.
Flexibility is also reduced and injuries become more likely because the water content of our tendons decreases as we age. This makes our tissues stiffer and less able to tolerate stress.
Cardiac function is reduced and the heart muscle becomes less able to propel large quantities of blood quickly to the body.
This also reduces our stroke volume (the amount of blood ejected with each heartbeat).
Metabolically, aerobic enzymes appear to decline with age, lowering aerobic capacity and VO2 max declines about 10 percent per decade.
Sounds terrible, huh! Are you motivated?
Those are the statistics for THE GENERAL POPULATION!
Here is the really Good News:
Did you know that neither muscle mass or the subsequent loss of function is inevitable with aging?!
Many of the changes I just listed above result more from LACK OF USE than from just simple aging.
That means:
All of the above losses can be minimized or even REVERSED with proper cardiovascular and strength training.
By exercising and controlling energy intake (yep...that means...food), older athletes can maintain the same body-fat levels as much younger athletes.
Exercise helps the body maintain its ability to deliver and use oxygen efficiently.
Muscle size and strength can be improved at ANY age with proper strength training.
And...I recently read an article in which a study was conducted that showed exercise made you SMARTER because it stimulated the brain....(healthy and smart....how much better does it get?)
(much of this information is from Chris Charmichaels book: "Food for Fitness")
OK...so, we know it can be hard to maintain a steady, consistent training schedule. Life is busy!
You all have to juggle family, careers, social life, church and civic duties...and somehow manage to fit in time to train.
BUT, the rewards are worth the effort!
If you can keep your body and mind healthy, you will be more capable and tolerant of life stresses...it makes everything else in your life better.
So, make the commitment to keep going! Even when life is crazy. Don't let your consistent exercise and healthy nutrition fall apart...you will reap tremendous benefits by taking care of your body...after all...it's the ONLY one you will get (and replacement parts are hard to come by!)
Some quick NUTRITION reminders to go with this:
Carbohydrates: Make sure they are high quality foods that bring the highest amount of vitamins and minerals, fiber and phytochemicals. Don't eat the JUNK carbs! They do you no good and fill you with empty calories that won't refuel or recharge your body.
Protein: Protein intake needs to increase slightly as we get older, so be sure to eat high-quality protein rich foods!
Fats: Pretty simple....eat GOOD fats high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: fish, flaxseed, walnuts, almonds. Use monounsaturated oils (olive oil and canola) instead of polyunsaturated (safflower and sunflower oils) and saturated fats (lard, margarine, butter).
Fiber: Aim for around 25-30 grams of fiber intake EVERY day! Most Americans don't even get half that amount.
WATER! Don't forget your WATER! Not including your intake when you are training...you should aim for 96 oz. of good clean water...every day!
Finally...Don't be mean to yourself!
You want to be moving every day and eating healthy because it makes you HAPPY! Find something that you love to do and DO IT (whether that is trail running, triathlons, rollerblading, mountain biking, yoga, swimming, etc.).
It doesn't matter as long as you are a better, happier person for the effort. You definitely don't have to be GOOD at it! So what if you are a terrible swimmer (or whatever you choose to do).
If you love it and feel challenged and alive while you are doing it...that is what matters!
This is such a great privilege for us to be able to live in such a wonderful place and time that we can enjoy the tremendous lifestyle that we have!
Don't condemn yourself or say mean things to yourself because you make a mistake or choose a poor food. Just focus on what you are doing well!
If you have a bad food day, just determine that you will try to make better choices the next day.
If you haven't been training or exercising, that's ok. Just determine that you are going to start NOW to do something active that helps your body to be healthier and makes your life a better one to be living (after all...it IS the only one you get)!
After YEARS of training HUNDREDS of people...I have found that the BEST way to keep your motivation and focus positive is to put a goal out there for yourself.
Which is why I am such a huge fan of races and events!
They are an external motivator that has a deadline for you to prepare for. Whether you choose an event that is a 5k walk or an Ironman...it doesn't matter as long as it motivates and inspires you!
So...(just like I harrassed you last week)...GET SIGNED UP FOR SOMETHING!
Just by knowing that you have something solid and maybe a little scary out there in front of you, will help you to get out of bed and do what you need to do to get ready!
When you know you are going to be doing something challenging, you are more motivated to do things that might seem hard at the time. But, the more you do it...the easier it gets!
All of a sudden you start thinking of yourself as an athlete...not just as some schmuck trying to make it through the day. Your approach to your choices changes...it's now a focus on taking care of your maginificent machine!
You don't WANT to eat that junk, because you know it will affect your next run or yoga session or swim.
Your perspective changes from "I have to eat right and exercise...ugh..." to a new perspective of "I WANT to eat right and exercise because I love how I feel and am excited for....(whatever your event is!)"
You know what is happening?....You are now RESPECTING your body cause you see how amazing it is!
Pretty Dang Cool!
You gotta love her! Thank you Keena.